Our Catholic Ethos
As a college we regularly discuss the life of Jesus Christ and inspire young people to develop the gospel values of justice, honesty, truth, tolerance and understanding.
We are a faith community committed to developing and extending the spiritual and moral development of the young people in our care.
Throughout the year young people have opportunities to participate in assemblies, prayer services, liturgies and retreats designed to deepen their understanding of their faith and encourage them to pray together as a school community. The taught Religious Education Programme at every Key Stage and our involvement in diocesan and parish programmes like Faith Friends and The Ambassadors of St. Paul Awards help young people to develop community spirit and a social conscience. The fund-raising and charity work pupils in every year group undertake encourages them to develop empathy and compassion for others and a respect for themselves, each other and their environment.
Our Catholic Ethos is an important part of who we are.