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Pastoral Care in Action


We recognise the link between pupils’ attendance and punctuality and their academic achievement. We work closely with parents and the Education Welfare Officer (EWO) to ensure good attendance, and Form Tutors and Heads of Year regularly monitor attendance. The parent of any child whose attendance is less than 90% in a month will be contacted by letter. If their attendance drops below 85% the EWO will be informed.


If a pupil is absent from school they must bring in a note from their parent, outlining the reason for their absence on their return to school. If a pupil is absent for more than 3 consecutive days their Form Tutor will ring their parent for an update on the pupil’s health and well-being.


Routine medical and dental appointments should be arranged outside the school day where possible. If students need to leave school during the day they must have a parental note. This should be signed by their Head of Year before they leave the school building

We recognise the link between the pupils' attendance and punctuality and their academic achievement.


Safe-guarding and Child Protection

Our school is committed to providing a safe, caring environment for all our pupils. Pupils and parents are encouraged to speak to the pastoral staff in school about any issues relating to health or well-being. All school staff are briefed annually on the school Safe-guarding and Child Protection policy, procedures and practice. Full details of the Safe-guarding Team and their responsibilities in terms of Child Protection will be communicated to parents and pupils in September 2018 along with a copy of the procedure for reporting a Child Protection issue. 

School Counsellor

The school benefits from the services of a Familyworks Counsellor who supports pupils who are experiencing difficulties. The counsellor provides one to one support for pupils through a confidential service. Pupils can self-refer to the counsellor or they can be referred by a member of the pastoral staff who feels the student would benefit from the experience. 


Our ethos clearly states that every child is valued and supported. This means that bullying is not acceptable. The Personal Development Programme, school assemblies and a range of workshops delivered by external agencies are used to promote our anti-bullying culture.

Drugs Education

As a school we are committed to informing and educating our young people about the consequences of drug use and misuse. It is our belief that all young people need the skills to help them to resist negative peer and social pressures and to allow them to develop positive lifestyles and values which will enable them to respect themselves and others. In line with school policy any pupil in possession of, using or supplying drugs or alcohol will be subject to disciplinary action.


As a school we are committed to helping young people to develop safe and responsible behaviour when they are using the internet or other new technologies. All students sign an E-Safety Code of Conduct designed to reduce the risk posed by engaging with a variety of media sites and digital technologies. 

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