Our School Vision
Saint Conor's College vision is based on the core values of our school community. We are committed to creating an environment where every child feels valued and supported. Our School is a warm and welcoming place.
We have high expectations of all our pupils and believe in challenging them to reach their full potential. All our students are encouraged to learn, achieve and make progress.
As a staff we are fully committed to creating:
A Catholic school with Christ at the centre
A child centred school
An inclusive school
A family school
A school where people act with humility in service of others
A school where children achieve and succeed
A learning school
A school that is prepared to leave a legacy for others
Our Catholic ethos underpins everything that we do. We aim to support the whole child, to develop each student's academic ability and nurture their creativity, spirituality, character and resilience.
We instil in our students a belief that they should have empathy and compassion for others. We actively encourage them to get involved in their school, parishes and global communities.

I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full
(John 2:5)